Back in January 2014 I made short road trip Waxahachie, Texas to pick up some parts for my 1982 K5 Blazer from a salvage yard that was parting one out. After the trip, I decided to do a little exploring to far south Hillsboro. Although I didn’t get as much exploring done as I would have liked, I did visit a few spots that I’ve been wanting to photograph for some time. One of my stops was the former Carl’s Corner Gas Station, now its a Petro station (just a pit stop before continue my exploration) to check out an abandoned building in the middle of a field. Just off from the station there is a small trail road (Autumn Trail Rd.) that passes by an abandoned Dairy Freeze in Carl’s Corner, Texas building in a field surrounded by cattle. Not much to it, but I had always wondered what it was, and my research says its an abandoned Dairy Freeze.

Abandoned Dairy Freeze in Carl’s Corner, Texas – Current Status

The abandoned Diary Freeze is in rough shape, from the looks of it, the windows and doors are in place. Since its behind a fence, I didn’t get up close or try to go inside. As you can see, there’s a large hole in the roof. I am curious about what it looks like inside. I can not find any official information about it or even if this was the original spot (doesn’t look like it). You can see the building from I-35 towards Waco. Exit the Carl’s Corner exit and take the service ramp until you see it. Cut across the grass to the trail. Its just a few hundred feet off the barb wire fence on private property.

If you have any information about this building or know someone who I could contact, I am looking to give a more of detailed history on this old building. Please contact us.

About the Image

I took this shot by hand with my Sony Nex-3N with the Sony SELP1650 16-50mm Power Zoom Lens, then processed it with Adobe Lightroom to crop, straightened, and remove dust spots from the image. Then I post processed the image with Topaz Labs Clarity to add more texture, remove shadows, boost brightness and contrast.

Please Note: This article was originally posted on my personal blog on July 2, 2014 and rewritten and posted to on June 8th, 2015. That site is no longer affiliated with us. All content from that site is slowly being migrated and updated to this site. All photos featured on this article were taken a few years before April 2016 unless noted.