Heading north from Anson, Texas you will find several old farm houses abandoned and few well off the highway if you know where to look. During one of my trips to Stamford, Texas I saw out in the distance what looked to be an abandoned tenant farmer house south of Stamford, Texas.

After spending about an hour figuring out what dirt road lead to the old house I found a dirt road that was in good shape but after the recent rains, the dirt road was almost impossible to navigate on section of the road.

Abandoned Farm House South of Stamford, Texas

Abandoned Tenant Farmer House South of Stamford, Texas

After a late afternoon explore I found the old farm house. Its a very old farm house that is split into four separated room living area with what looks like doors to access the other rooms were added later. It was hard to tell. The few windows the house had were mostly boarded up and the doors were closed accept for one and I was able to see what the interior looked like.

Abandoned Tenant Farmer House South of Stamford, Texas

Normally I do not look inside or go on property unless I have permission or I know its ok to do so. But curiosity got the better of me since its sits so close to the road and wanted to see if it really was still setup as a tenant farmer house or it had been converted.

The way its set up, it could be a tenant farmer farm house or maybe an old ranch hand farm house. I would love to know if this was an old tenant farm house. There aren’t many left and its worth mentioning it here if it was. If anyone knows more about this place, please contact me. I am looking to safe its history and I would love some vintage photos of the old place to add to the story. Please contact us  via the contact page for leads and information about this old farm house.

Abandoned Tenant Farmer House South of Stamford, Texas

Please Note: The pictures were taken back in November 2014 and the original article was posted on November 16th, 2016 to VanishingTexas.com.  VanishingTexas.com is no longer affiliated with us. All content from that site is slowly being migrated and updated to this site.  This article was updated on December 23, 2019 and will continue to be updated as new information is found.

About the Images

The images were shot by hand in the later afternoon sun with my Sony Nex-3N and a Sony SEL16F28 16mm f/2.8. I then edited the images in Adobe Lightroom. Next, I post processed with Topaz Clarity to add texture, brighten, and bring out the details in the images. Then I removed the dust spots. Finally, I used Topaz DeNoise to remove the noise from the images.