The abandoned Barrow Family Filling Station is the childhood home of Clyde Chestnut Barrow (Bonnie and Clyde) was built sometime between 1910 and the 1920s. It was sold in the 1940s and has exchanged hands multiple times. The building was used for different functions over the years. If you go back and look into Clyde’s childhood, you will find that he spent most of his time in juvenile detention or on the streets committing crimes. There is an old photo him standing in front of the filling station by the pumps so he at least visited or had a room there when he made it home for the night.

What the Barrow Family Filling Station in Dallas, Texas Looked Like

When you look at the current picture (taken last year) and you compare this picture to the original pictures you can see not much of the original structure is left. Buildings like these were cheaply built and as the new owners took ownership they made changes to suit their needs. So it wouldn’t surprise me if nothing was left. If you take a look at Texas Hide out’s Clyde Barrow page ( scroll down until you reach the filling station section), you will see where someone held up an image of the original building and matched it with the awning and it looks like that might be the only part or part of it is the original part of the building.

The Barrow Family Filling Station’s Current Condition

For the most part, the Barrow Family Filling Station is abandoned or at least not used for much. The building has seen better days but its somewhat maintained. The roof has been repaired and the owner paints over the graffiti regularly. The building looks stable and could be restored and used for something else. The area is being revitalized and if the wrong person purchases the property it could be torn down for something more modern. If and when that happens, that would be another piece of the Bonnie and Clyde history to be lost to history


If you want to drive by and check out the Barrow Family Filling Station, its located at 1221 Singleton Blvd, Dallas, Texas. Its original address from the 1930’s is 1620 Eagle Ford Road.

Please Note: This article was originally written back in April 30th, 2015 on That site is no longer affiliated with us. All content from that site is slowly being migrated and updated to this site. All photos featured on this article were taken a few years before April 2016 unless noted. 


About the Image

The image was shot by hand during late afternoon using  natural overcast light with my Sony Nex-3N and a Sony SEL16F28 16mm f/2.8 lens. I then edited the images in Adobe Lightroom CC and Photoshop CC. Next, I post processed with Topaz Clarity to add texture, brighten, and bring out the details in the images. Then I removed the dust spots. Finally, I used Topaz DeNoise to remove the noise from the images..